Content: What’s coming up?

Content: What’s coming up?

What are the key transformative trends that are affecting Fremantle, and how are you reacting to these changes? If we ignore AI, recession, inflation and world events and focus on content trends alone, then within the entertainment space there is a real desire from...
From good to great – Improving the odds

From good to great – Improving the odds

Creativity is one of the most powerful drivers of advertising effectiveness, offering huge commercial advantages. But it seems to be harder than ever to turn that theory into practice across the marketing mix. At its event “Cracking Creativity,” Thinkbox...
Resilience and Transformation

Resilience and Transformation

Thomas Rabe, CEO of RTL Group, explains how the Group is speeding up the digital transformation of its businesses during the coronavirus crisis. RTL Group reacted swiftly to the worldwide spread of the coronavirus disease by focusing on four areas: the safety of our...